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Mar 30, 2021
Evolved Reason and Shared Challenges Yield Cooperation with Michael McCullough
Dr. Michael McCullough is a professor of psychology at University of California, San Diego. There, he directs the Evolution and Human...

Oct 12, 2020
Would You Rather, Phantom Costs, and Conspiracy Theories with Andrew Vonasch
Andrew Vonasch and Amber Cazzell discuss costly tradeoffs in reputation management, tendencies to project hidden motives, or so-called phan

Sep 21, 2020
Religion as a Context for Character Development with Sarah Schnitker
Sarah Schnitker and Amber Cazzell discuss what virtues are, and how and why religion is a rich context for virtue development.

Sep 7, 2020
The Arrow of Moral Progress with Steven Pinker
Steven Pinker and Amber Cazzell discuss humanism and trends in moral psychology.

Aug 24, 2020
Babies are Judging You with Kiley Hamlin
Kiley Hamlin and Amber Cazzell discuss the development of a moral sense in babies and toddlers.

Aug 10, 2020
The Best Leaders are Humble with Bradley Owens
Bradley Owens and Amber Cazzell discuss humility and effective leadership.

Jun 16, 2020
Morality Amid COVID-19 with Brülde, Cokelet, Lieberman, Shweder, and Young
In this episode, Brülde, Cokelet, Lieberman, Shweder, and Young talk about their observations of ethics during the coronavirus pandemic.

Jun 9, 2020
Moral Impartiality, Third Party Judgments, and George Floyd Riots with Peter DeScioli
Peter DeScioli and Amber Cazzell discuss moral impartiality and the functional role of moral judgments in reducing costliness of conflicts.

May 26, 2020
Deep Pragmatism with Joshua Greene
Joshua Greene and Amber Cazzell discuss deep pragmatism, and how empirical research can solve large scale social challenges.

Apr 28, 2020
The Stubbornness of Convictions with Linda Skitka
Linda Skitka and Amber Cazzell discuss moral convictions and attitude moralization.

Mar 23, 2020
Diversity and Deviance with Jennifer Cole Wright
Jen Cole Wright and Amber Cazzell talk about how people distinguish between acceptable diversity and unacceptable deviance.

Mar 16, 2020
Moral Sentiments and the Mythical Homo Economicus with Russ Roberts
Russ Roberts discusses Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments, and the challenges it poses to classical economic theory.

Mar 9, 2020
Dungeons and Dragons and Political Ideology with Stephen Vaisey
Stephen Vaisey discusses four theories of the relationship between morality and political ideology, and the power of shared communal values.

Mar 2, 2020
Consciousness, Evolution, and Morality with Robert Wright
Robert Wright talks about the trajectory of his interests, as well as the relationships between evolution, morality, and consciousness.

Feb 25, 2020
Algorithmic Fairness and Its Discontents with Sharad Goel
Sharad Goel and Amber Cazzell discuss the mathematical and social challenges presented by algorithmic fairness.

Feb 18, 2020
Becoming Virtuous with Nancy Snow
Nancy Snow and Amber Cazzell discuss how people become virtuous through the course of everyday life.

Feb 10, 2020
Indigenous Wisdom with Darcia Narvaez
Darcia Narvaez and Amber Cazzell discuss indigenous sustainable wisdom and humanity's relationship with and responsibility to nature.

Feb 4, 2020
Game Theory, Evolution, and Morality with Oliver Scott Curry
Oliver Scott Curry and Amber Cazzell discuss the game-theoretic and evolutionary underpinnings of the morality as cooperation framework.

Jan 27, 2020
Ethics of Market Efficiency with Jonathan Wight
Jonathan Wight and Amber Cazzell discuss the ethical underpinnings of Pareto and Kaldor-Hicks market efficiency.

Jan 21, 2020
Ethics of the East Part 2 with Bradford Cokelet
Bradford Cokelet and Amber Cazzell compare and contrast Confucianism and Western Ethical Traditions.
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