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Morality Amid COVID-19 with Brülde, Cokelet, Lieberman, Shweder, and Young

In this episode, five scholars of morality talk about their observations of ethics during the coronavirus pandemic. These scholars include Bengt Brülde, an Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy at the University of Gothenburg and University West in Sweden, where he studies well-being, bioethics, and business ethics; Bradford Cokelet, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Kansas where he researches comparative ethics, character, and agency; Debra Lieberman, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Miami, where she uses principles of evolutionary biology to understand disgust and altruism; Richard Shweder, Cultural Anthropologist and Professor of Human Development at the University of Chicago, where he studies a variety of topics, including multicultural ethical exchanges; and Liane Young, Associate Professor of Psychology at Boston College, where she uses functional neuroimaging to understand moral judgment.

APA citation: APA citation: Cazzell, A. R. (Host). (2020, June 16).  Morality Amid COVID-19 with Bengt Brülde, Bradford Cokelet, Debra Lieberman, Richard Shweder, and Liane Young [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from

NOTE: At 39 minutes into the episode, the 1 in 50,000 likelihood estimate is an excess death estimate, not an infection fatality rate.  It is the likelihood of a healthy person in that age category dying from a coronavirus infection over and above their likelihood of dying from all the other things that might kill them, given their age and prior health status. See


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