Dr. Brent Slife is an Emeritus professor of Psychology at Brigham Young University and is the Editor-in-chief of the APA’s Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. He has been honored with numerous awards for his outstanding research and teaching career and in addition to these many achievements, he’s authored and co-authored 9 books. Today, we discuss his most recent book, co-edited with Stephen Yanchar, titled Hermeneutic Moral Realism: Theory and Practice.
Dr. Slife's book, Hermeneutic Moral Realism in Psychology: Theory and Practice
Relationally-oriented girls' boarding school, Greenbrier Academy
Svend Brinkmann's book, Psychology as a Moral Science
Dr. Slife's Presentation, "Is Social Justice Justified?"
Alasdair MacIntyre's After Virtue & narrative work
Charles Taylor's book, Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity